Electrical/Electronic Engineering Technology (BS)
What is Electrical/Electronic Engineering Technology?
The bachelor's degree in electrical electronic engineering technology (BSEET) prepares students for diverse and dynamic careers in industry. Electrical/electronic engineering technologists use the principals of science and math to solve problems in industry and business, both in the public and privatize sectors. They work alongside engineers, independently, as well as in a supervisory capacity. This field is in touch with a wide and growing range of applications of technology, and therefore has many applications in today's workforce.
What can I do with a Electrical/Electronic Engineering Technology Degree?
Graduates of baccalaureate engineering technology programs have been very successful in obtaining professional employment relevant to their education. Wayne State engineering technology graduates are employed in:
Manufacturing engineering | Maintenance | Field engineering |
Production engineering | Quality control | Design |
Marketing | Product testing | Technical supervision |
Course planning
Choose an area of study (associate degree), earn Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA), and complete pathway courses. The below pathway outlines the required Henry Ford College courses. Courses not taken or transferred from Henry Ford College can be completed at Wayne State University.
Choose an area of study
Associate Degree |
Associate in Arts (AA) |
Associate in Science (AS) |
Associate in General Studies (AGS) |
Electrical Engineering Technology (AAS) |
Engineering Technology/Mechanical (AAS) |
Earn the Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA)
MTA Requirement/Specific Course | Credit Hours | Notes |
*ENG 131 Intro to College Writing (ENG 1020) | 3 | or ENG 132H |
*ENG 135 Business & Technical Writing/Research (ENG 3010) | 3 | |
*MATH 175 Precalculus (MAT 1800) | 5 | |
*CHEM 131 Principles of Chemistry (CHM 1020) | 4 | |
*PHYS 131 General Physics (PHY 2130) | 4 | Second Science must be from different discipline |
Approved Social Science (see MTA) | 3 | |
Approved Social Science (see MTA) | 3 | Second Social Science must be from different discipline |
*PHIL 139 Ethics (PHI 1120) | 3 | |
Approved Humanities/Fine Arts (see MTA) | 2-3 | Second Humanities/Art must be from different discipline |
Total | 30 credits (min.) |
*Meets MTA requirements and/or satisfies Wayne State degree requirements (prerequisites may be required, see HFC Academic Advisor).
Complete pathway courses
Course | Credit Hours |
MATH 180 Calculus I (MAT 3430) | 5 |
PHYS 132 General Physics II (PHY 2140) | 4 |
ELEC 103 Basic Electricity (EET 2000) | 4 |
ELEC 115 Digital Circuits I (EET 2100) | 3 |
ELEC 245 Programmable Controllers (EET 2720) | 3 |
ENGR 125 Intro to Computation for Engineers (BE 1500) | 3 |
**Lower Division Technical | 21 |
Total | 43 credits |
Course planning
The following courses are required to finish the degree requirements. Any pathway course(s) not completed at the community college can be completed at Wayne State University.
Bachelor of Science (BS) in Electrical/Electronic Engineering Technology
Course | Credit Hours |
ET 3450 Applied Calculus and Differential Equations | 4 |
ET 3850 Reliab & Engineering Stats | 3 |
ET 3870 Engineering Econ | 3 |
ET 5870 Engineering Project Mgt. | 3 |
EET 3100 Adv Digital Design | 3 |
EET 3150 Network Analysis | 4 |
EET 3180 Analog Electronics | 4 |
EET 3300 Applied Signal Processing | 3 |
EET 3500 Electrical Machines & Power Sys. | 3 |
EET 3720 Micro & Programmable Controllers | 3 |
EET 4200 Control Systems | 4 |
ET 4999 Senior Design Project | 3 |
Upper Division Technical Electives (See WSU Advisor) | 6 |
Total | 46 credits |
Transfer credit summary
Transfer credit summary | Credits |
Henry Ford College transferable credits | 77 credits |
Required Wayne State University credits | 46 credits (minimum) |
Total credits required to complete bachelor's degree | 124 credits (transferred or WSU) |
- WSU requires a minimum of 30 hours in residency.
- You can review how courses transfer using the course equivalency tool for other acceptable equivalences.
Engineering Technology Scholarships
- WSU ASSET scholarship ($10,000 per year)
How do I get started?
- Join Wayne State Transfer Pathways
- Schedule a WSU Transfer Success Appointment
- Meet with your academic advisors and track your academic progress
- The pathway allows multiple associate degree options with the flexibility to customize your degree path. The minimum eligibility to participate in the Wayne State Transfer Pathways is a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or above, Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA), and an associate degree (earned or Reverse Transfer).
- All college-level (non-developmental), non-duplicated courses with a 2.0 (C) grade point average (GPA) or above will be considered for transfer credit. Earned credit will transfer as 1) direct course equivalency, 2) major/department credit, or 3) elective credit. Credits not earned at the community college will need to be taken at WSU.
- These pathways do not replace the importance of community college and Wayne State academic advising. The pathway provides a general roadmap to degree completion.
Primary contacts
Henry Ford College
Academic Advising
313-317-6845 | advising@hfcc.edu
Transfer Student Success Center
313-577-2487 | transfer@wayne.edu
College of Engineering
313-577-3780 | Academic Advising