Paying for college


Grants are awarded based on financial need and do not require repayment. File the annual Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) early and we will review your eligibility.

Heart of Detroit 

The Heart of Detroit Tuition Pledge offers free tuition for students of Detroit high schools or Detroit residents earning a high school diploma. Students will have zero out-of-pocket expenses for tuition and standard fees for up to four years of full-time study.

Completion of the FAFSA is required, but financial need, as a result, is not required to receive the award. If any student struggles with completion of the FAFSA, they should reach out to the Office of Student Financial Aid to speak with a financial aid officer.


WSU colleges, schools and academic departments also offer a variety of scholarships based on a combination of criteria. New undergraduates will be considered for a merit award when we receive your admissions application. Many of our students also often qualify for awards from external organizations, and we encourage you to pursue all opportunities.

Students receiving scholarships, stipends, and fellowships can receive other federal and state aid provided the total amount awarded does not exceed the student's estimated cost of attendance.

Wayne State Guarantee

In partnership with the Michigan Achievement Scholarship, Wayne State University is expanding its financial aid programs to include a new tuition assistance program that will cover 100% of tuition and fees for eligible students with a combination of federal, state and WSU scholarships and grants.

The Wayne State Guarantee is open to all Pell Grant-eligible Michigan residents, as well as most families who earn $70,000 or less and have $50,000 or less in assets. First-year students will be automatically considered for this award when they are admitted to Wayne State and submit a FAFSA.


A federal work-study award is offered to students with financial need who may contribute toward their educational expenses by working part time. 


Loans require repayment. Detailed information about repayment of federal loans  including borrower rights and responsibilities  is available in the Guide to Federal Student Aid.

Other types of aid

You may qualify for specialized types of financial aid based on a variety of factors.