Excellence in Academic Advising (EAA)
Wayne State University recognizes the importance and value of a dynamic academic advising community as part of the support system for student success. Since 2012, the University has invested heavily in the advising structure through increased advising personnel, a formalized training structure, and dynamic advising technology. In 2020, the university launched the Excellence in Academic Advising (EAA) initiative, developed by NACADA and the Gardner Institute, to provide a systemic and holistic review of academic advising at WSU with support and guidance from experts in the field and experts in educational and organizational change. WSU was one of 12 institutions in an Urban Ecosystems Cohort of EAA.
The EAA initiative was a campus-wide, collaborative project involving key stakeholders, school/college administrators, academic advisors, faculty, other student success professionals, and students. The three-year initiative involved an evidence-based self-study focused on a set of nine aspirational standards, or "Conditions of Excellence in Academic Advising" established by EAA.
EAA Phase 1 Comprehensive Report
The EAA project launched in fall 2020, with a phase 1 completion date of February, 2023. Upon submission of all EAA Condition Committee reports, the WSU EAA Steering Committee, led by project co-liaisons Kate Bernas (ab9599) and Cheryl Kollin (retired) worked with its fellow to identify the top recommendations that would be included in its Comprehensive Report. The report, along with a letter from EAA Fellow Dr. Victoria McGillin, is linked below and was submitted to Provost Office leadership on February 7, 2023.
WSU EAA Comprehensive Report (word doc)