Rights, responsibilities and consumer information

Your rights

You have the right to know specific consumer information such as campus crime statistics, athletic information, and graduation and completion rates. See below for additional information.

WSU financial aid staff and student service representatives are available to assist prospective and enrolled students with understanding financial aid programs, eligibility and the financial aid process. Information about locations and hours is available on our website at wayne.edu/financial-aid/contact. You may also visit us, email studentservice@wayne.edu or call us at 313-577-2100.

You have the right to privacy. All records and information submitted with your application for financial aid are confidential, and subject to legal requirements concerning disclosure of such information.
You have the right to know the estimated costs of attendance.
You have the right to know the application procedures for each of the available programs.
You have the right to know what financial aid programs are available to you, including information on all federal, state and university financial aid programs.

You have the right to know how and when financial aid is distributed.

Your financial aid is applied directly to institutional charges (tuition, fees, room and board). Any excess funds will be available to you within 14 days of the date the credit balance occurs, or within 14 days of the first day of classes  whichever is later. 
You have the right to know how your financial aid eligibility was determined.
Eligibility for aid and award amounts is determined by the results of the FAFSA. The Pell Grant is usually awarded to undergraduate students who have not earned a bachelor's or a professional degree. The amount considers your financial need, cost of attendance, full or part-time student status, and intent to enroll for the full academic year or less.
Qualifying students receive the full, eligible amount. FSEOG, Perkins and FWS awards are also based on financial need.  The specific dollar amount of the award can vary each year and is determined by the available funding. Once these funds are exhausted, additional awards cannot be made. 

The Federal Direct Loan Program is the largest federal student loan program. Under this program, the U.S. Department of Education is your lender. Award amounts for Direct Loans are based on a combination of factors, including the student's grade level, financial need and dependency status. You have the right to decline any loan offer made to you.
You have the right to reject any financial aid assistance offered to you.

Professional judgment

The Higher Education Act of 1992 allows financial aid administrators to make professional judgment decisions for special or unusual family or student circumstances. These circumstances must be documented and must be analyzed on a case-by-case basis. Financial aid administrators may treat a student with special circumstances differently than the strict application of the methodology would otherwise permit. Adjustments can either increase or decrease a student's EFC/SAI or cost of attendance. In the case of an adjustment to a student's EFC?SAI or cost of attendance, specified adjustments may be made to data elements. The reason for the adjustment must relate to that student's special circumstances and must be documented in the student's file. More information is available on our webpage.

Dependency override

A financial aid counselor can use professional judgment in granting a dependency override. If a student does not meet the federal guidelines to be considered independent for financial aid purposes, the aid administrator can decide to override the federal regulation and make the student independent for financial aid purposes. The special circumstances must be documented and a copy of the documentation must be maintained in the student's file. Instances where a student's parents are unwilling to provide their information or a student is self-supporting are not justification for granting a dependency override. Because professional judgment decisions are unique, specific required documentation cannot be listed. It is left to the discretion of the financial aid administrator to request appropriate documentation. The documentation should substantiate the student's situation and be from a professional outside the family, not a family member. In cases of a dependency override, documentation from more than one organization should be collected. The decision for using professional judgment will be made by the Office of Student Financial Aid. More information is available on our webpage.

Electronic transactions

You have the right to voluntarily consent to participate to participate in electronic transactions for all financial information provided or made available to student loan borrowers and for all notices and authorizations to Federal Student Aid recipients required under 34 CFR 668.165. (The Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act or E-Sign Act)

All OSFA electronic forms are available in pdf format on our website and are available in paper form in our office.

You have the right to know costs, placement rates and other information about certificate programs subject to gainful employment rules.
You have the right to know the school refund policies. If a student wants to drop a class before the deadline they must do so on Academica.
You have the right to know the refund policy required by federal regulations for Title IV funds if you withdraw after the semester begins. View the withdrawal and return of Title IV funds policy.
You have the right to know how Wayne State University determines whether you are making satisfactory academic progress, and what happens if you are not.
You have the right to request a reduction or cancellation of your student loan. Remember that a student loan is a debt that must be repaid; borrow only what you need. You have 14 days after the loan funds have disbursed to request cancellation in writing for a portion or all loan funds disbursed.
You have the right to know the interest rate of your loan, the total amount to be repaid (or not to be repaid), repayment procedures, when repayment begins, and the length of the repayment period.
You have the right to know the criteria the school uses regarding the transfer of credit earned at another institution.
The book voucher program is available to help you with purchasing required books and supplies early in the semester.
You have the right to know the terms and conditions that apply to a work-study award.

Federal work-study provides part-time employment for undergraduate and graduate students with financial need to assist their ability to pay educational expenses. Jobs are available on campus and off campus in community, non-profit organizations. You must submit the FAFSA and any other subsequent request for documentation to be eligible for receiving an award. 

Your responsibilities

When you accept the offer of financial aid specified in your award notice, you agree to accept and fulfill all the following responsibilities, including the terms and conditions set by the federal regulations for financial aid.

  • You are responsible for regularly checking your student email account for information from Wayne State University and the Office of Student Financial Aid.

Your award was determined in accordance with the laws, regulations, and appropriations of the U.S. Congress, the State of Michigan, and Wayne State University, and is subject to adjustment or cancellation in the event of changes to these laws or your eligibility.

  • You are responsible for always providing correct information. Reporting false information is a violation of the law and may be considered a criminal offense.

As a student financial aid recipient, it is your responsibility to:

  • Complete and submit application materials within required or recommended timeframes.
  • Read all materials sent to you from the Office of Student Financial Aid and other agencies awarding you aid. Keep copies of all forms you sign.
  • Know and comply with the rules governing the aid you receive. These rules include but are not limited to:
    • You must not be in default on any prior educational loan.
    • You must not owe a refund on a Federal PELL Grant or a Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant due to repayment.
  • Provide additional documentation as requested by the Office of Student Financial Aid.
  • Comply with the provisions of any promissory note and all other agreements you sign.
  • Complete the registration process each semester by the end of the drop/add period to ensure availability of all student aid funds you have been awarded.

Enrollment requirements

You must be enrolled at least half-time in courses that will count toward your degree to qualify for most types of financial aid. Courses that are for noncredit do not count toward your degree.

Satisfactory academic progress

You must demonstrate satisfactory academic progress according to established policies and standards of Wayne State University.

Federal student loans

If you are a recipient of a federal loan, you must notify your lender should any of the following occur before the loan is repaid:

  • You change your address and/or phone number.
  • You graduate.
  • You withdraw from school or are enrolled less than half time.
  • You change your name.
  • You transfer to another university.

You also have the responsibility to repay any loans, regardless of whether you are successful in completing your program or obtain employment.

Outside assistance

You must report to the Office of Student Financial Aid the type and amount of any scholarships or other financial assistance you receive from non-university sources. Such scholarships or assistance may result in a revision or reduction in the amount of aid offered you.

Use of funds

  • Students must give priority in paying their university bills with their financial aid.

  • If you become ineligible for financial aid after a disbursement has been made, you are responsible to pay for any charges.

  • You must perform the work agreed on if you accept a federal work-study position.

  • You must notify us in writing if you are receiving financial aid for attendance at another institution while attending Wayne State University.

Financial aid code of conduct

The Wayne State University Office of Student Financial Aid staff follows WSU university policies, which include prohibitions on conflict of interest. In addition, as a member of the National Association for Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA), we follow the NASFAA Statement of Ethical Principles and Code of Conduct for Institutional Financial Aid Professionals.

View the full code of conduct (PDF)

University student code of conduct

BOG Statute 2.31.02

Federal non-sexual discrimination law

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 is a federal law that prohibits sex discrimination in education. Sex discrimination includes sexual harassment and sexual assault. Title IX applies to all areas of the university. 

Wayne State University is committed to maintaining an environment that is safe and that supports the education and career advancement of all members of its community.

Reports of Title IX violations should be made to one of the following individuals: 

  • The Title IX Coordinator for WSU, who is the Director of our Office of Equal Opportunity, can be reached at 313-577-2280 or eb6450@wayne.edu.  
  • The Deputy Title IX Coordinator for WSU, who is the Dean of Students, can be reached at 313-577-1010 or ak3096@wayne.edu.  

More information about Title IX, available resources and reporting requirements can be found at either oeo.wayne.edu or doso.wayne.edu.

Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) reports

HEERF III reporting - student fund

WSU was required to spend a minimum of $28,681,732 on student grants.





Total number of students who have received a WSU CARES III Emergency Financial Aid Grant with funding from American Rescue Plan HEERF III




Total amount of CARES III Emergency Financial Aid Grants with funding from American Rescue Plan HEERF III




HEERF II reporting - student fund

WSU was required to spend a minimum of $9,653,092.00 on student grants.


Quarterly report - 3/30/2021


Quarterly report - 6/30/2021

Quarterly report - 9/30/2021

Total number of students who have received a CARES II Emergency Financial Aid Grant with funding from CRRSAA HEERF II





Total amount of CARES II Emergency Financial Aid Grant with funding from CRRSAA HEERF II distributed to students





CARES Act reporting

WSU received $9,653,092 to be used to provide emergency grants to students.

  5/12/2020 6/25/2020 8/6/2020 9/30/2020 10/14/2020 12/31/2020 1/20/2021 Final report
Total number of students who have received a CARES Act Emergency Financial Aid Grant 2,512 5,974 6,302 6,763 6,988 7,549 7,658
Total amount of CARES Act Emergency Financial Aid Grants distributed to students $2,206,500 $5,735,050 $6,161,000 $7,007,400 $7,336,450 $8,067,900 $9,653,092


Additional WSU consumer information