MiTransfer Pathways - Business

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Students following the MiTransfer Business Pathway can seamlessly transition to the Wayne State University Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA). Students can select from the following majors:

You are automatically admitted to the Mike Ilitch School of Business if you declare a business major on your WSU application and are accepted. You can change the major you selected at the time of application by contacting an advisor and submitting the business major declaration form

MiTransfer Business Pathways common courses

Community College Approved Course Credit Hours (min.) WSU Equivalent
Microeconomics 4 ECO 2010 Principles of Microeconomics I
Macroeconomics 4 ECO 2020 Principles of Macroeconomics I
Financial Accounting  3 ACC 3010 Intro to Financial Accounting
Managerial Accounting 3 ACC 3020 Intro to Managerial Accounting
Business Law 3 BLW 2510 Business Law I
See advisor or community college transfer plan for additional courses    

For more information about business at WSU, visit the Mike Ilitch School of Business

Transfer resources

Meet with us

Check the Transfer Student Success Center website for additional events.